Air Air Artist : Lily Kuonen

Lily Kuonen rounds out the first group of Air Air resident artists; she serves as Foundations Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Art at Jacksonville University as well as SECAC Affiliate Representative for the board of Foundations in Art: Theory and Education. Kuonen recently spent her summer as an artist-in-residence at the SCAD Alumni Atelier Program in Lacoste, France, and now she is ready to hit the skies with Air Air! When Kuonen travels, she always grabs comfy socks, practical clothes, and eye drops to combat that dry recycled air. This time around, Kuonen will pack handmade postcards, silver ink, gouache and paintbrushes, along with a variety of surfaces and her iPhone. Check out images below, then head over to her website and learn a little about Kuonen's PLAYNTINGS.

Air Air Resident Artist, Lily Kuonen

Air Air Resident Artist, Lily Kuonen

Tempered, spray paint, plastic netting, and paracord on canvas, 12 x 15 x 4 inches

Tempered, spray paint, plastic netting, and paracord on canvas, 12 x 15 x 4 inches

PLAYNTINGS: [UN]covered, (installation view)

PLAYNTINGS: [UN]covered, (installation view)